  • ', 'first_tag_close' => '
  • ', 'last_tag_open' => '
  • ', 'last_tag_close' => '
  • ', 'next_tag_open' => '
  • ', 'next_tag_close' => '
  • ', 'prev_tag_open' => '
  • ', 'prev_tag_close' => '
  • ', 'cur_tag_open' => "
  • ", 'cur_tag_close' => "
  • ", 'num_tag_open' => "
  • ", 'num_tag_close' => "
  • ", ); protected $androidPackageList = [ 1=>'安卓',2=>'IOS']; protected $iosPackageList = [];//10 => '泰语(th2)' public $_langList; protected $gameList = [1=>'德州场',3 => '奥马哈场', 4 => '百人场']; protected $texasBlindList = [500, 1000, 2500, 5000, 10000, 50000, 100000, '私人房'];//德州开放场次的盲注列表 protected $omahaBlindList = [2000, 5000, 10000, 50000];//奥马哈开放的场次盲注列表 public static $inputFieldTypeText = 'text'; public static $inputFieldTypeSelector = 'selector'; public static $inputFieldTypeSelectorMultiple = 'selectorMultiple'; public $staticPath = "./public/game/config/"; public $propsConfig = null; public $_url = ""; public $actGroupMapping = []; public $multiNumTypeReward = [ '随机金卡', '随机星光卡', '随机限时金卡', '随机限时星光卡', '金币' ]; public $rewardNames = [ "木质宝箱" =>1 , "白银宝箱" =>2 , "黄金宝箱" =>3 , "魔幻宝箱" =>4 , "宠物经验" =>8 , "宠物食物" =>9 , "随机金卡" =>13 , "金币" =>14 , "体力" =>15 , "小丑卡" =>18 , "通行证经验" =>38 , "拼图碎片" =>44 , "玛雅转盘代币" =>45 , "随机星光卡" =>50 , "随机限时金卡" =>49 , "随机限时星光卡" =>50 , "幸运小丑代币" =>51 , "幸运狐狸代币" =>51 , "超级扭蛋代币" =>60, "随机公会表情" =>61, "皮纳塔代币" =>62, "塔罗牌代币" =>70, "推币机代币" =>72, "暴走兔子代币" => 74, "星图代币" => 77, "西部矿洞代币" => 79, ]; public $needSkinRewards = [ "皮肤宝箱" =>19 , "建筑大师活动" =>25 , "气球活动" =>26 , "体力加速活动" =>27 , "金币大爆炸活动" =>28 , "疯狂加倍" =>31 , "建筑打折" =>32 , "卡片爆炸" =>33 , "商场优惠" =>34 , "超级收集活动" =>35 , "超级气球活动" =>36 , "首冲优惠" =>37 , "通行证倍率活动" =>39 , "收集翻倍活动" =>40 , "四选一活动" =>41 , "金币老虎机活动" =>43 , "疯狂的卡组" =>46 , "疯狂建造活动" =>52, "超级攻击活动" =>53, "回归签到" =>54, "完美偷袭活动" =>55, "小丑卡保底值" =>56, "完美打活动" =>57, "皮肤宝箱最大体力" =>58, "richking最大金币" =>59, "幸运骰子活动券" =>71, "Jackpot老虎机活动券" =>73, "每日成就任务道具券" => 75, "付费成就活动道具券" => 76, "推币机道具券" => 78, ]; public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->load->helper('cookie'); $this->load->helper('url'); $this->load->library('session'); // ini_set("session.gc_maxlifetime",86400); define('IS_POST',strtolower($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"]) == 'post');//判断是否是post方法 define('IS_GET',strtolower($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"]) == 'get');//判断是否是get方法 //判断model是否存在 if (file_exists(APPPATH.'models/Common.php')) { $this->load->model('common'); } $curUrl = strtolower(uri_string()); if(!($curUrl == 'robot/main' || $curUrl == 'robot/makerobotrule')){ $this->verify(); } $this->load->model('oo'); if(IS_POST && !empty($curUrl)){ $url = current_url(); $reason = ''; $postData = $this->input->post(); oo::logs()->adminlog($reason,$url,$curUrl,$postData); } $this->_url = $this->config->item('officialUrl'); $this->_langList = oo::cfg('lang')['en_zh']; } /** * 数据导出 * @param $header [ $k => $text] 表头 * @param $listData [ [$k => $v ],[$k => $v]...] 数据 * @return bool */ protected function exportData(array $header,array $listData, $fileName){ $objPHPExcel = new PHPExcel(); //处理表头 $char = 'A'; foreach ($header as $v) { $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue($char++.'1', $v); } //处理数据 $i = 2; foreach ($listData as $row) { $char = 'A'; foreach ($header as $k => $t){ $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue($char++.$i, $row[$k] ?? ''); } $i++; } $objPHPExcel->getDefaultStyle()->getAlignment()->setHorizontal(PHPExcel_Style_Alignment::HORIZONTAL_CENTER); $objPHPExcel->getDefaultStyle()->getAlignment()->setVertical(PHPExcel_Style_Alignment::VERTICAL_CENTER); $outPutFileName = $fileName . date('Y-m-d'); $objPHPExcel->setActiveSheetIndex(0); header('Content-Type: applicationnd.ms-excel'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment;filename="'.$outPutFileName.'.xls"'); header('Cache-Control: max-age=0'); $objWriter = IOFactory::createWriter($objPHPExcel, 'Excel2007'); $objWriter->save('php://output'); exit; } /** * 获取所有的sid * @return array */ protected function getAllSid() { $oldAnSid = array_keys($this->oldAnPackageList); $oldIosSid = array_keys($this->oldIosPackageList); $anSid = array_keys($this->androidPackageList); $iosSid = array_keys($this->iosPackageList); $sidList = array_merge($oldAnSid, $oldIosSid, $anSid, $iosSid); return $sidList; } /** * 获取td数据 * @return array */ public function get_td_array($table) { $table = preg_replace("']*?>'si","",$table); $table = preg_replace("']*?>'si","",$table); $table = preg_replace("']*?>'si","",$table); $table = str_replace("","{tr}",$table); $table = str_replace("","{td}",$table); //去掉 HTML 标记 $table = preg_replace("'<[/!]*?[^<>]*?>'si","",$table); //去掉空白字符 $table = preg_replace("'([rn])[s]+'","",$table); $table = str_replace(" ","",$table); $table = str_replace(" ","",$table); $table = str_replace("\n","",$table); $table = str_replace("","0",$table); //去掉删除 $table = str_replace("删除{td}", "", $table); $table = explode('{tr}', $table); array_pop($table); print_r($table); unset($table[0]); foreach ($table as $key=>$tr) { $tds = explode('{td}', $tr); array_pop($tds); $td_array[] = $tds; } return $td_array; } /** * 是否选了所有包 * @param $sidList * @return bool */ protected function isAllSid($sidList) { if(in_array(999, $sidList)) { return true; } return false; } /** * 获取sid列表 * @return array|mixed */ protected function _getSidList() { $temp = get_cookie('sidlist'); if(!is_array($temp)){ $sidList = json_decode($temp, 1); } if(empty($sidList)) { if($this->isAdmin()) { $sidList = [1,2]; }else { $sidList = $this->getPermissionSidList(); } set_cookie('sidlist', json_encode($sidList), 86400); } //判断如果全选了所有的sid,则把sid置成999 $diff = array_diff([1,2], $sidList); if(empty($diff)) { $sidList = [1,2]; } return $sidList; } /** * 获取所以包名列表 * @return array */ protected function __getSidNameList() { $anListTmp = $this->oldAnPackageList + $this->androidPackageList; $iosListTmp = $this->oldIosPackageList + $this->iosPackageList; if(!$this->isAdmin()) { $anList = $iosList = []; foreach ($this->getPermissionSidList() as $sid) { if($sid % 2 == 0) { $iosList[$sid] = $iosListTmp[$sid]; }else { $anList[$sid] = $anListTmp[$sid]; } } }else { $anList = $anListTmp; $iosList = $iosListTmp; } $list = []; foreach ($anList as $ka => $va) { $list[$ka] = '安卓'.$va; } foreach ($iosList as $ki => $vi) { $list[$ki] = '苹果'.$vi; } return $list; } /** * 选择的包名列表 * @return array */ protected function __getSelectSidNameList() { $sidList = $this->_getSidList(); if(in_array(999, $sidList)) { return [999=>'全部']; } $list = []; if(!empty($sidList)) { $allSidNameList = $this->__getSidNameList(); foreach ($sidList as $sid) { $list[$sid] = $allSidNameList[$sid]; } }else { $list = [0 =>'无']; } return $list; } /** * 设置sidlist * @param array $sidList * @return bool */ protected function _setSidList(array $sidList) { set_cookie('sidlist', json_encode($sidList), 86400); return true; } /** * 是否是管理员 * @return bool */ protected function isAdmin() { $isAdmin = $this->session->userdata('isAdmin'); if($isAdmin) { return true; } return false; } /** * 获取非管理员有权限的包列表 * @return array|mixed */ protected function getPermissionSidList() { $adminid = $this->session->userdata('adminid'); if(empty($adminid)){ return [-1]; } $query2 = $this->db->query("SELECT sidList FROM permission WHERE adminid = {$adminid} LIMIT 1"); $ret = $query2->row_array(); $sidList = json_decode($ret['sidList'], 1); if(empty($ret) || empty($sidList)) {//权限错误 $sidList = [-1]; } return $sidList; } /** * 验证用户登陆 */ public function verify() { $url = rtrim($this->uri->segment(1).'/'.$this->uri->segment(2), '/'); # 每次访问,刷新cookie $cacheKeys = [ 'adminid', 'username', 'chinesename', 'reqenv', ]; foreach ($cacheKeys as $key){ $cacheV = get_cookie($key); if(empty($cacheV)){ redirect('qazwsxcde'); die(); } set_cookie($key, $cacheV, 86400); } if($this->session->userdata('username')){ if($this->session->userdata('isAdmin')){ //管理员 return true; } $checkUrls = [ 'payment/index', 'abnormal/moneySpinsSource', 'abnormal/upStarsLine', 'user/activityData', 'user/actionProps', 'user/actionCard', 'user/setLevel', 'user/setVipPoint', 'user/chatLock', 'user/suspendAccount', 'abnormal/moneySpinsSource', 'activity/hadd', 'activity/hedit', 'activitysta/index', 'user/clearAccount', 'user/actionusermoney', 'activity/hExitCommonCfg', 'config/polymerization', 'config/crazyBet', 'config/userGroupList', 'config/slotWeightCfg', 'permission/list', 'fermission/roleList', 'permission/role', ]; if(in_array($url, $checkUrls) && !$this->checkPermission($url)){ redirect('permission/forbidpage'); exit; } }else{ redirect('qazwsxcde'); die(); } } /** * 检查是否有权限 */ public function checkPermission($url){ if($this->isAdmin()) { return true; } $role = $this->db->get_where('cmsrole', array('id' => $this->session->userdata("role")))->row_array(); //内部员工 if(!empty($role['is_internal'])){ return true; } $permission = $this->getPermissionList(); return in_array($url, $permission); } /** * 获取用户权限列表 * @return array */ public function getPermissionList(array $role = []) { $adminid = $this->session->userdata('adminid'); if(empty($adminid)){ return []; } if(empty($role)){ $role = $this->db->get_where('cmsrole', array('id' => $this->session->userdata("role")))->row_array(); } $permission = $role['rule'] ? unserialize($role['rule']) : []; return $permission; } /** * 统一输出返回json内容 * * @access public * @date 2016-08-16 * @param int $ret 状态码,0成功 * @param string $msg 错误信息 * @param array $data 返回数据内容 * @return json; */ public function response($ret = 0, $msg = '', array $data = array(),$type = false) { $result = [ 'ret' => $ret, 'msg' => $msg, 'data' => $data, 'state'=> $ret ? "error" :'success' ]; // header('Content-type:text/json'); if($type){ die(json_encode($result)); }else{ die(json_encode($result,JSON_NUMERIC_CHECK)); } } /** * 返回空的data table 格式数据 * @return array */ function withNodata() { $tableData = array(); $tableData['recordsTotal'] = 0; $tableData['recordsFiltered'] = 0; $tableData['data'] = array(); return $tableData; } protected function getSerialStr($keyName, $data, $isVisible = true) { $visibleStr = $isVisible ? '' : "visible:false,"; $str = "{ ".$visibleStr." name: '".$keyName."', data: [".implode(',', $data)."] }"; return $str; } protected function getSerialStrPer($keyName, $data) { $str = "{ name: '".$keyName."', yAxis: 1, data: [".implode(',', $data)."], tooltip: { valueSuffix: '%' }}"; return $str; } /** * 柱状图的 * @param $keyName * @param $data * @return string */ protected function getSerialColumnStr($keyName, $data, $stack='normal', $isVisible=true) { $visibleStr = $isVisible ? '' : "visible:false,"; $str = "{ type: 'column',".$visibleStr." name: '".$keyName."', data: [".implode(',', $data)."], stack: '".$stack."' }"; return $str; } /** * 格式化筹码 * @param $value * @return string */ protected function formatChip($value) { if(1 <= abs($valueB =$value / 1000000000)) { return $valueB . 'B'; }else if(1 <= abs($valueM=$value / 1000000)) { return $valueM . 'M'; }else if(1 <= abs($valueK = $value / 1000)) { return $valueK . 'K'; }else { return $value; } } /** * 格式化筹码 * @param $value * @return string */ protected function formatChipRound($value, $round=2) { if(1 <= abs($valueB = round($value / 1000000000, $round))) { return $valueB . 'B'; }else if(1 <= abs($valueM=round($value / 1000000, $round))) { return $valueM . 'M'; }else if(1 <= abs($valueK = round($value / 1000), $round)) { return $valueK . 'K'; }else { return $value; } } /** * 获取两个时间的日期差多少天 * @param $stime * @param $etime * @return float */ public function betweenDays($stime, $etime) { if($stime >= $etime) { return 0; } $between = $etime - $stime; $days = ceil($between / 86400); return $days; } public function SaveJson($data,$filename,$t=0){ $dir = $this->staticPath; if (!is_dir($dir)) { $old = umask(0); //mkdir($dir, PRODUCTION_SERVER ? 0775 : 0777, true); mkdir($dir,0775 , true); umask($old); } $filepath = "{$dir}{$filename}"; if($t==1){ $json = str_replace("\/", "/", json_encode($data,32)); }else{ $json = json_encode($data,32); } $res = file_put_contents($filepath, $json); if(method_exists($this->common,'upToOss')){ $dir = str_replace("./","",$dir); $file_path = str_replace("\\","/",FCPATH . $dir.$filename); $this->common->upToOss($dir.$filename,$file_path); } return $res; } public function AjaxContent($info){ $data = array('referer' =>true, 'refresh' => 'false', 'state' => 'error', 'message' => ''); foreach ($info as $key=>$row){ $data[$key] = $row; } die(json_encode($data)); } /** * 计算天数差 * $format = 1 Y-m-d else Ymd */ protected function getDays($day1, $day2, $format = 2) { $second1 = $day1; $second2 = $day2; if ($second1 < $second2) { $tmp = $second2; $second2 = $second1; $second1 = $tmp; } $days = ($second1 - $second2) / 86400; $dayList = array(); for ($i=0; $i <= $days ; $i++) { if($format == 1) { $dayList[] = date('Y-m-d', $second2 + 86400*$i); }else { $dayList[] = date('Ymd', $second2 + 86400*$i); } } return $dayList; } public function getDateFromServer($postData){ $data = $this->curl->req($this->_url, $postData); return json_decode($data,true); } public function httpPost($postData, $url = "") { $data = $this->curl->req($url ?: $this->_url, $postData); return json_decode($data, true); } # 编辑字段通用化 protected function inputField($column,$lable , $type, $default = '', $options = '') { switch ($type){ case self::$inputFieldTypeText: return $this->textField($column, $lable, $default, $options); case self::$inputFieldTypeSelector: return $this->selectorField($column, $lable, $default, $options); case self::$inputFieldTypeSelectorMultiple: return $this->selectorField($column, $lable, $default, $options, true); } } private function textField($column, $lable, $default, $placeHolder = ''){ return "
    "; } private function selectorField($column, $lable, $default, $options, $isMultiple = false){ $multiple = ''; if($isMultiple)$multiple = 'multiple'; $html = ''; $html .= "
    "; return $html; } /** * Notes:获取推送配置 * User: wsc * Time: 2020/11/11 9:40 * @param bool $db * @return array */ public function getPushConf($db=false){ $tb = otable::fasebasePushConf(); $key = okeys::fasebasePushConf(); $key2 = okeys::fasebasePushConfByKey();//根据类型缓存 $cache =oo::commonOprRedis('games')->hGetAll($key); if(empty($cache)||$db){ oo::commonOprDb('slavedb')->query("set names utf8mb4"); $sql = "SELECT * FROM {$tb}"; $arr = oo::commonOprDb('slavedb')->getAll($sql,1); if(!empty($arr)){ foreach ($arr as $v){ $cache2[$v['type']] = $v['conf']; $v['conf'] = json_decode($v['conf'],true); $cache[$v['id']] = json_encode($v,256); } oo::commonOprRedis('games')->hMset($key,$cache); oo::commonOprRedis('games')->hMset($key2,$cache2); } } $cache = $cache?funs::getArrFromJsonArr($cache):[]; if(!empty($cache)){ // array_multisort(array_column($cache,'id'),SORT_ASC,$cache); // array_column($cache,null,'id'); } return $cache; } /** * Notes:推送nsq队列 * User: xwy * Time: 2022/04/08 * @param string $topic 消息队列topic * @param array $body 消息队列 body 数据 * @return bool 推送状态 */ public function sendNsqMsg($topic, $body){ //目前只在测试条件下开启 if(!class_exists('Nsq')){ oo::logs()->debug3(['nsq 扩展不存在'],"publishNsq.log"); return false; } $nsqdAddrs = $this->config->item('nsqAddress'); $body = json_encode($body); $data =array_values( unpack("C*", $body)); $nsq = new Nsq(); $isTrue = false; foreach ($nsqdAddrs as $nsqdAddr){ $isTrue = $nsq->connectNsqd([$nsqdAddr]); if($isTrue)break; } // echo "Is connect:".$isTrue; if($isTrue){ $res = $nsq->publish($topic,json_encode($data)); if(!$res) oo::logs()->debug3(['nsqdAddrs' => $nsqdAddrs, "msg"=>"publish failed","topic"=>$topic,"info"=>$body],"publishNsq.log"); else oo::logs()->debug3(['nsqdAddrs' => $nsqdAddrs, "msg"=>"publish successed","topic"=>$topic,"info"=>$body],"publishNsq.log"); $nsq->closeNsqdConnection(); }else{ $res = false; oo::logs()->debug3(['nsqdAddrs' => $nsqdAddrs, "msg"=>"lose connect...","topic"=>$topic,"info"=>$body],"publishNsq.log"); } return $res; } # 获取导入的sheet 数组 public function getExcelSheetsArray(){ $file = $this->uploader->getFileInfo(); $extensionType = $this->getExtensionType($file['originalName']); $xlsReader = IOFactory::createReader($extensionType); $xlsReader->setReadDataOnly(true); $xlsReader->setLoadSheetsOnly(true); $Sheets = $xlsReader->load($file['url']); $sheetsCnt = $Sheets->getSheetCount(); $dataArray = []; for($i=0 ; $i< $sheetsCnt; $i++){ $tmpData = $Sheets->getSheet($i)->toArray() ?? []; foreach ($tmpData as $k => $item){ foreach ($item as $k1 => $value){ $item[$k1] = trim($value); } $line = array_filter($item); if(empty($line))unset($tmpData[$k]); } $dataArray[$i] = $tmpData; } return $dataArray; } # 获取文件扩展对应的excel类型 public function getExtensionType($fileName){ $pathinfo = pathinfo($fileName); $extensionType = NULL; switch (strtolower($pathinfo['extension'])) { case 'xlsx': // Excel (OfficeOpenXML) Spreadsheet case 'xlsm': // Excel (OfficeOpenXML) Macro Spreadsheet (macros will be discarded) case 'xltx': // Excel (OfficeOpenXML) Template case 'xltm': // Excel (OfficeOpenXML) Macro Template (macros will be discarded) $extensionType = 'Excel2007'; break; case 'xls': // Excel (BIFF) Spreadsheet case 'xlt': // Excel (BIFF) Template $extensionType = 'Excel5'; break; case 'ods': // Open/Libre Offic Calc case 'ots': // Open/Libre Offic Calc Template $extensionType = 'OOCalc'; break; case 'slk': $extensionType = 'SYLK'; break; case 'xml': // Excel 2003 SpreadSheetML $extensionType = 'Excel2003XML'; break; case 'gnumeric': $extensionType = 'Gnumeric'; break; case 'htm': case 'html': $extensionType = 'HTML'; break; case 'csv': $extensionType = 'CSV'; break; default: $this->response(-1, '文件格式异常'); break; } return $extensionType; } # 通过奖励名 解析奖励类型以及皮肤id public function parseRewardTypeAndSkinId($rewardName, $line = 0){ #常规奖励 无皮肤 if(!empty($this->rewardNames[$rewardName])){ return [$this->rewardNames[$rewardName], '']; } $prizeList = oo::commonOprModel('config')->getPropsConfigFromLocal(); foreach ($prizeList as $item){ if(empty($item['skinList']))continue; foreach ($item['skinList'] as $skinItem){ if($skinItem['name'] == $rewardName ){ return [$item['id'], $skinItem['id']]; } } } #判断奖励是否存在 $this->response(-1, "第{$line}行,奖励或皮肤不存在:'{$rewardName}'", $prizeList); } # 通过分组名,解析分组id public function parseShushuGroups($shushuGroups,$line = 0){ if(empty($shushuGroups))$this->response(-1, $line.'行,数数分组为空'); if(is_string($shushuGroups)){ $shushuGroups = strtr($shushuGroups,[',' => ',']); $shushuGroups = explode(',', $shushuGroups); } $allGroups = array_column(oo::commonOprModel('config')->getUserGroupConfigByCid(5),'name','id'); $shushuGroupIds = []; foreach ($shushuGroups as $shushuGroup){ if(!in_array($shushuGroup, $allGroups))$this->response(-1, "第{$line}行,数数分组不存在:'{$shushuGroup}'"); $shushuGroupIds[] = array_search( $shushuGroup, $allGroups); } return $shushuGroupIds; } # 解析分层映射的每层idx public function getGroupMappingIdx($type, $val, $parentsKey = 0){ $this->actGroupMapping[$type] = $this->actGroupMapping[$type] ?? []; $this->actGroupMapping[$type][$parentsKey] = $this->actGroupMapping[$type][$parentsKey] ?? []; if(empty($this->actGroupMapping[$type][$parentsKey][$val])){ $this->actGroupMapping[$type][$parentsKey][$val] = count($this->actGroupMapping[$type][$parentsKey]) + 1; } return intval($this->actGroupMapping[$type][$parentsKey][$val]); } public function parseLineRewards(array $rewards, $line = 0){ $rewardsTemp = []; $i = 0; while($i < count($rewards)){ $reward = $rewards[$i++]; $isFixNum = $rewards[$i++]; $rewardNum = intval($rewards[$i++]); if(!empty($reward)){ if(!in_array($reward, $this->multiNumTypeReward))$isFixNum = '是'; #非金币奖励,全部固定值奖励 $isFixNum = ($isFixNum == '是') ? 1 : 2;#固定值奖励 1 按等级取值 2 if(empty($rewardNum))self::response(-1, "第{$line}行,奖励数为空", $rewards); list($type, $skin) = $this->parseRewardTypeAndSkinId($reward, $line); $currentId = count($rewardsTemp)+1; $rewardsTemp[] = [ 'id' => $currentId, "num" => $rewardNum, "type" => $type, "rtype" => $isFixNum, "skin" => $skin ]; } } return $rewardsTemp; } public function prizesShowHtml( array $prizes): string { $htmlStr = '
    '; foreach ($prizes as $prize) { $prizeStr = $this->singlePrizeHtml($prize); $htmlStr .= '
    '; } $htmlStr .= '
    '; return $htmlStr; } public function singlePrizeHtml( array $prizes): string { $this->propsConfig = $this->propsConfig ?? oo::commonOprModel('config')->getPropsConfigFromLocal() ; $name = ''; $prizeTypeInfo = []; foreach ($this->propsConfig as $oneProp) { if ($oneProp['id'] == $prizes['propsId']) { $prizeTypeInfo = $oneProp; if (empty($prizes['skin'])) { $name = $oneProp['name']; break; } foreach ($oneProp['skinList'] as $oneSkin) { if ($prizes['skin'] == $oneSkin['id']) { $name = $oneSkin['name']; break; } } } } $name .= ':' . $prizes['num'] ; if($prizeTypeInfo['type'] == 'act'){ $name .= '分钟'; }else if($prizes['rtype'] == 2){ $name .= '倍'; } return $name ; } }