link.php 10 KB

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  17. return true;
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  19. $image = isset($_GET['img'])?$_GET['img']:'0';
  20. $title = isset($_GET['title'])?$_GET['title']:'Crazy Coin';
  21. $content = isset($_GET['content'])?$_GET['content']:'Crazy Coin is the most exciting and fun social game in the world';
  22. $imageUrl= ''.$image.'.jpg';
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  33. * Coins Master IOS deepLink:coinmaster://promotions?af_deeplink=true&campaign=pe_FCBjNmeOf_20201110&media_source=FB_PAGE
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  175. <a id="aLink" href="<?php echo $appLink2;?>">
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  180. <p class="dp_copy">The most exciting and fun social game in the world</p>
  181. <br/>
  182. <div class="font-arial" style=" width:400px; font-size:20px; line-height:30px; height:50px; color:#999999; letter-spacing:2px; text-align:left; margin: 0 auto;">Choose the version available :</div>
  183. <br/>
  184. <div style="width:400px; height:100px;">
  185. <a href="itms-apps://" target="Crazy Coin">
  186. <table width="100%" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" height="100px">
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  196. <div style="width:400px; height:100px;">
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  209. <br/>
  210. <br/>
  211. <a id="copy" style="height:20px; font-size:22px;font-family: 微软雅黑; text-shadow:0 2px 0 #FFF; text-align:center; margin:0px" href="">Fans Page</a>
  212. <br/>
  213. <br/>
  214. <br/>
  215. <div id="copy" style="height:18px; color:#999999; font-size:15px;font-family: 微软雅黑; text-shadow:0 2px 0 #FFF; text-align:center; margin:0px">Copyright © 2019 SuperAnt Technology Co., Ltd..All Rights Reserved.</div>
  216. </div>
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